Women In Aviation


Female Pilot

Learning to fly has been an incredible experience! And one I'll never forget! I love flying. I love the freedom it brings, the feel of the wind on the aircraft, its indescribeable! The views are breathtaking! It is a challenge, and there are points in the training that will test you, but over coming them will bring you a sence of achivement like nothing else. The excitement of getting into the aeroplane and taking-off never gets old! And I feel privilaged to have the experience of it!

Female Pilot

I fly because ive always wanted to. From being a small child. It's not the destination, it's the journey. It's the act of being at one with the sky. Simply the joy of flight. It's my space. My sanctuary sometimes. Of course, its fun to go places and meet up and enjoy all the social stuff, but for some, it's a lifelong passion; something hardwired in the DNA. And thats me too.

Female Pilot

I like a challenge and being a pilot is certainly that! The rewards are huge and go much further than the amazing views from the cockpit. It's an incredible feeling to take-off from your home airfield and land somewhere else! There's also a great community spirit!

Female Pilot

Whilst visiting Australia I booked a flight over the great barrier reef. My jaw dropped-not because the reef was beautiful, but because I was was watching the pilot. Fascinating! Awe inspiring! Goals! I love flying due to the exhilirating feeling of take-off, the pure elation of being in the skies, the friends I've made along the way its a whole new zone-a whole new world!

Female Pilot

Above the clouds is my favourite place to be!